About Us

No one on the present full-time staff of DaveningLab is a rabbi, nor do any of them play one on TV. The staff makes no personal claims whatsoever about any level of proficiency at davening. In spite of that, or perhaps because of that, DaveningLab has arrived. It is the product of numerous, wide-ranging attempts to improve our davening.

Education credentials on staff include an advanced degree in a quantitative discipline at an accredited institution, which may explain the "Lab" in DaveningLab and the liberal peppering of scientific terminology on our site.

We may be around the 43,000,000th most popular website in the world, but we've got to believe that when it comes to websites devoted to Jewish prayer, we are surely in the top 1,000. That makes us work even harder for you, our loyal reader, who doesn't even know this website exists yet.

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