We here at DaveningLab would like to hear from you, at least in theory. But we temper that emotion with a healthy dose of paranoia. One of our mottos is: Publish an email address on a website, expect to get inundated with spam. And operating with a strictly volunteer staff who have limited time commitment to the project, we can't afford to plow through tons of emails.
So that's why we developed VOSCRAS ™, the Verification Of Someone who Can Read A Siddur protocol.
No one on the present full-time staff of DaveningLab is a rabbi, nor do any of them play one on TV. The staff makes no personal claims whatsoever about any level of proficiency at davening. In spite of that, or perhaps because of that, DaveningLab has arrived. It is the product of numerous, wide-ranging attempts to improve our davening.
Yeap, this is the page I was looking for.
It is true that, at present, the size of the DaveningLab staff, in full-time equivalents (FTEs), can be represented as a rational number less than 2. But that leaves over the possibility that the size could be a fraction greater than 1.
It is questionable whether, left to its own resources, an innovative site like DaveningLab can stick around for the long term. But do not despair -- there are a few ways you can support us...
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